Welcome Visitors

Welcome here! From this page you can find out who we are and what we do.

**About us**.

This wiki is written by the allmende interest group, and contributes to the [commoning.wiki](http://commoning.wiki).

We are home at eco:bytes.

**Where we do and share**.

The site your are currently reading is a place for enquiry into the influence of *platforms* on us, our living spaces and on the communities we inhabit. This is done through the lens of *commoning* as a praxis to democratically align our living conditions.

Here we present a methodic frame to define the subject of *platform commoning*, search for ways to mitigate possible dangers towards it, and aim to phrase a positive vision for commoning of open platforms in the future. This is done to answer the questions of why we need it, and what for.

If you are new here, let's first address the question What is platform commoning for? together. More on the other one later on.

Then feel free to discover How to enlive commoning platforms?, where we describe a method to talk about the subject.

When we share a common understanding on that, we critically reflect on the conditions for Enclosure and loss of platform commons.

That known and put aside, we shape a perspective on Platform commoning in the open, pulling together the aspects of the discussion that were presented before.

With these dynamics in mind, we can then go on and explain Why is commoning needed for our living platforms?


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In case you seek to learn more, please feel invited to join the conversation to voice your views.

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